Sunday, January 30, 2011

Jamaica it is...
I've heard the call. Getting here a month ago I didn't know at all what I wanted to do. I had four major things on my heart and as I broke them all down things started falling into place. I feel called to the Caribbean and called to Worship ministry so why not put them together!? YES! It seemed so random when I first said it out loud but the more I think about it the more it makes perfect sense. I've partnered with another guy here Michael Schuerman and hopefully soon a few more will jump on board with this vision...

The idea is simple, to open up a community center/music venue. The community center will be a life giving hub, a place where people can hang out. Through the center we will be able to branch out our ministries, mine being focused on art, music and worship. Others towards the youth, the homeless, and human trafficking/prostitution/child slavery. Whoever has a passion and a ministry idea can plug into that community center and start it!

We have begun developing everything and things are rolling extremely fast! I still have 5 months left here and still have some money to raise to finish. You can help by donating here (Intern - Tim Carlson) 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Instruments for G42

2 Chronicles 5:13 - "The trumpeters and singers joined in unison, as with one voice, to give praise and thanks to the LORD. Accompanied by trumpets, cymbals and other instruments, they raised their voices in praise to the LORD and sang: "He is good; his love endures forever." Then the temple of the LORD was filled with a cloud..."

We believe that corporate worship is a crucial part of bringing God's Kingdom to Earth. Right now the worship department consists of whatever the Interns bring with them across the world, which means that it is constantly changing.  We would like to have some Instruments here that G42 can use all the time, as it is growing to be more than just a school for us, but a ministry for the community as well. We ask that you consider helping us get a few instruments to get started!

Click here to donate!                                         Or Send a check!
(Write "Instrument's" for the name of the Intern)            G42 - P.O. Box 130611
                                                                                                           Houston, TX 77219-0611
                                                                                                                                                                                                         .                                                ("Instruments" in the memo)


If you would like to donate an instrument or have any further questions send me an email at

Find out what's happening at G42 through our blogs!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


   I'm here in Spain, once again i'm taught that listening, following and trusting God is better than anything I could have dreamed or imagined. This place is beautiful, these people are amazing, this season is going to be incredible. It's time to grow, time to be intentional, time to pursue, time to go deep, to be open, to walk forward with total abandon.

   I've been thinking about foundations this morning. Honestly I started thinking about it because I noticed how much mine have changed, how much better they are now and how that affects how I live and grow. I realized while packing for G42 last week how little I really need to live, these few things I brought with are "foundations" with these few important things I can go anywhere and do anything. On the World Race we were constantly moving and constantly being broken, because of this my foundations were destroyed and rebuilt. Now moving to Spain, my life has been shaken again, and my foundations have been revealed. Change has a way of stripping down things in our life, a new job, new country, new community, new lifestyle if you want to find out what your foundations are then mess your life up a little! Ask yourself if these basic things are good, because your foundations directly affect how you live, how you grow, how easily you get distracted and how fast you recover. 

   When life throws you a curve ball and messes everything up, solid foundations will help you recover faster and recover stronger than you were before.

   What are your foundations? Some of mine - Face to face time with God, intentionality, discipline... (these three will get you through most of life challenges!)