God took Ezekiel to a valley filled with dry bones, He had Ezekiel walk around and take a look at them and He said to Ezekiel "Can these bones live?" So many things in the bible have symbolic meanings, what do the dry bones mean? Follow me for a second...
13:12 Hope deferred makes the heart sick...
15:13 ...A sick heart crushes the spirit
17:22 ...A crushed spirit dries up the bones
Hopelessness makes the heart sick which crushes the spirit which dries up the bones.
So the bones in the story represent lost hope, and God asks Ezekiel "Can these bones live?" ('Can this hope live?') Ezekiel basically says "I don't know" then God says to him "Speak into these bones and say 'Hear the word of the Lord, God says to you He will cause breath to enter you and you shall live!'" So Ezekiel spoke to the bones and said what God had told him to and guess what happened! Tendons and muscle and skin grew on the bones and they came alive! Standing before Ezekiel was a living army.
Prophesy to the places in your life where you've lost hope and watch them come alive.
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